Although we all like to tastefully dress to create good impressions and looks or just to fell hip and trendy, from time to time we are prone to make certain fashion mistakes. There is no denying that we all face fashion pitfalls and that does not leave out prominent personalities and celebrities from As you can learn from Instyle magazine, even sharp dressers are prone to making the mistakes occasionally.
Some of the things that can make you blunder in dressing include turning out for a date and having to read your kid her bedtime story, a busy schedule that keeps you rushing to and from work or trying to stay on top of things about your favorite football team. There are a million things that can prevent you from following what is trending in your fashion magazine, and so you might end up being fashion-blind.
So, for you not to be treated as a cretin whenever you turn up, this article is intended to keep you in the loop of fashion. You might wish to be a prince Charming, but the fashion blunders you make will only project you as a court-jester. When it comes to refinements in clothing, many men are poor but you can do better that going out increased and crinkled attire just because instead of ironing you were loudly cheering your soccer team.
And why should you go into the office or meet your date looking as though you slept in your clothes? Nothing turns people off like man/women who look like billboard or a neon sign. You should avoid too much glitter such as iridescent shirts and shiny suits. If you are a man, you should instead opt for fabrics with subdued qualities like soft leather (but not for pants), fine wool or cashmere. Women who do not consider the tone of their skin might end up with wrong color choices by buying clothes that are only appealing to the eye.
Some clothes simply smell cheap but they shout the loudest from miles away! And have you ever wondered whether you are wearing the logo or the logo is wearing you? Although showing off the designer emblem has a little snob value, this is something you must never over do. If you are trying to protect yourself as a style-savvy man about town, too much logo will detract from that image and make you look like a walking billboard.
To showcase one or two quality pieces is not a bad idea, but remember that no one will pay you a rebate for free advertising. Instead you can go for trim, well cut and flattering pieces that can enhance your looks no matter who the designer is. Many women make fashion disasters because they impulsively buy something they spotted in a fashion magazine. Worse still, they do so because a celebrity wore it on TV, but if it is wrong, it is wrong even if you spend ages in front of a mirror applying make-up and preening or adding accessories.